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Inspire, Share, Believe, Encourage
What We Do and How We Do it Matters.
McNaughton Incorporated Proudly Supports the Following Organizations that Make A Difference Enhancing the Health, Well Being and Empowerment of Children and Young Adults

SOS for Youth at the Merrill Community Arts Center
SOS for Youth is a teen acting troupe that tackles the tough issues kids face today and bring a message of accountability, kindness and hope.
Out on a Limb Dance
Bringing Dance within Everyone's Reach
Out on a Limb provides a healthy, supportive and creative atmosphere for young dancers. Their talented staff foster the self-esteem that is crucial to developing resilient children. Out on a Limb brings a transforming experience of dance to at-risk and underserved youth by encouraging them to explore their unique abilities outside of the traditional classroom curriculum.They offer a well-rounded dance program as well as professional performance opportunities.
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Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, MN Chapter
The mission of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is to cure cystic fibrosis and to provide all people with the disease the opportunity to lead full, productive lives by funding research and drug development, promoting individualized treatment and ensuring access to high-quality, specialized care.
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Suicide Prevention Collaborative, MN
The Suicide Prevention Collaborative (SPC) is a nonprofit organization that is made up of a group of professionals and community volunteers who are dedicated to preventing teen suicide in the eastern metropolitan area of the Twin Cities.
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Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery
Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery works to end child abuse and neglect and create strong, healthy families. The Crisis Nursery supports families in crisis 24 hours a day, 365 days a year through our free, voluntary services.
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