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Original Buckle Guard – Best for Buckles on Commercial Vehicles, Buses, Commercial Vans

Buckle Guard™ slips over a standard-sized seat buckle and hides the release button from a child's curious fingers. This prevents & deters children and disabled adults from opening their seat belts while riding in a motorized vehicle. Buckle Guard can also slow or deter agitated or confused patients from undoing their safety belts while in medical transit. Buckle Guard has a white FDA approved "Push and Turn" child safety cap. Patented.

If your seat buckle is up to 2" wide and 1 1/8" high, this product will fit your buckle. MADE IN USA

Color: Black, Tan
Weight: .2 lbs
Cost: 7.95

Buckle Guard Original

SKU: 80126-1
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