Surprising Benefits of Walking your Children to their Bus Stop
Grab your coat and a cup of coffee and join your kids on their walk to their school bus stop. You'll be glad you did!

Walking with your child to the school bus stop has many wonderful benefits...
It's a relaxing experience. Let's face it...mornings are hectic. A short walk with someone you love helps you calm down and enjoy life a little more.
It's a confidence-builder for your child, knowing that you are there for them.
It's a time to chit chat with your about school, friends, joys, fears, etc.
It makes your child's walk to the bus a little safer. You can look for potentially dangerous situations that a child may not notice.

It provides daily exercise. Walking itself has tons of wonderful benefits!
It gives you a chance to enjoy Mother Nature.
It's a bonding experience; an opportunity to create beautiful memories.
It gives you time to give your children one more hug or kiss before they head off to school for the day.